Wordless Wednesday: Tigers Love To Swim!

Most cats wouldn’t go near water if even if you lured them with a giant spread of catnip and Temptations on an inflatable table.

But tigers? They love it. Here are some shots of the world’s biggest cats taking a dip.

A Malayan tiger named Azul going for a swim at the Bronx Zoo. Credit: Julie Marsen Laher, Wildlife Conservation Society
Siberian tigers in a tub at a sanctuary in Russia. Credit: digger03/Flickr
This meme made me laugh.
Aasha was rescued from a traveling circus after an inspector found her sickly, suffering from ringworm and only 30 pounds at 8 months old. She’s flourished since she was brought to a sanctuary where she’s been given proper care, a good diet and a calm environment. Aasha is also pictured in the feature photo up top.
A tigress and her cubs cooling off in a river in India. Credit: Sandesh Kadur
Sundarban tigers are a subspecies of the Bengal who live in mangrove forests and are well-adapted to swimming. This Sundarban tiger was spotted on a wildlife tour in India. Credit: Soumyajit Nandy/Wikimedia Commons
This tiger cooled off on a hot day at the Dortmund Zoological Garden in Dortmund, Germany. Credit: Hans Stieglitz/Wikimedia Commons

via Pain In The Bud

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