Hi you guys.
How’s it going? Things here are going okay. The weather has been kinda a roller coaster lately. One day it’s in the 40s-50s and the next it’s back to the 30s. Mother Nature can’t seem to make up her mind whether it’s winter or spring. And we’ve been getting a lot of rain, too. At least it’s not snow.
And that’s your Island Weather Report. Just call me Murphy the Weather Cat!
Once again, I thought I’d share some random photos…just a little bit of this and that of stuff going on around here. Here you go…
I’m enjoying some sunshine…back when we had sun.
Now how did this thing get on me? I’m gonna have to put the bitey on it and show it who’s boss!
My…what big eyes I have! The better to see you all with!
Some of you have commented about the ring around my tail. So I thought I’d share a close up of it. Kinda gives me character, don’tcha think?
And I leave you with this handsome photo of me…looking off into the yonder. What the heck is a yonder anyways?
I hope you enjoyed this edition of random photos! Let me know if you have a favorite one.
via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!