Family’s Cat Keeps Coming Home Wearing New Sweaters

When Crystal Robert and her family adopted a stray cat in 2019, they quickly learned he was an expert in sneaking out even though they tried to keep him indoors.

Now they know he’s got at least one “other family,” because Papa Legba, as they call him — named after the mythical intermediary between the physical and spiritual worlds in west African folklore — frequently returns wearing sweaters.

Yes, that’s plural. Papa’s mystery second family has sent him home wearing a blue striped sweater, a solid-colored pink sweater and, for the holidays, a traditional “ugly” Christmas sweater. He’s also been given a shirt that says “Born To Be Awesome.”


Robert, who lives in El Paso, Texas, says Papa is usually averse to any kind of collar or accessories, but she believes the sweaters “humble” him because he’s cuddlier when he wears them.

“He seems more docile [when wearing the sweaters]” she told The Dodo. “Or maybe embarrassed.”

She told a local news outlet she hasn’t yet pinned down his second family, but she wants to thank whoever’s been treating the little guy well.

“I have already met with five families,” she said. “I haven’t met his other family yet, but I hope we can continue to ‘share’ custody.”

She said she’s narrowed it down to a few houses and plans to come knocking with baked goods to thank the neighbors for their kindness.

“I hope people can keep their pets at home, inside,” Robert told The Dodo. “They are our family and they are safest when with their owners, but if you have a wily cat like ours, I hope you are blessed with generous and lovely neighbors like mine.”

via Pain In The Bud

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