You guys! You’ll never believe what happened the other day. My heated cat bed…this very one that I am currently lounging in…the one that I spend close to 90% of all my time in…DISAPPEARED!
I got up to go to the bathroom and when I returned it was GONE! WHAT THE FLUFF?!? (Editor’s note: I took it to wash it.)
Guys, it was gone for days! DAYS!! (Editor’s note: It was gone for about an hour.)
And when it finally returned, it smelled FUNNY! (Editor’s note: It smelled clean.)
I don’t know where it went, but it better NOT happen again! Now I have to spend all my time making it smell normal again. (Editor’s note: That “normal” smell will require it to happen again. But don’t tell Ernie.)
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via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!