More of Your Questions Answered!

Hi you guys!

Hey! Let’s answer some more of the questions you had for me. For those of you who may have missed this new feature that I’ve started, click HERE to see my “Ask Me Anything” post so you’ll know what I’m talking about. Here goes…

Christine asked… “What’s your favorite toy?”

black and white cat sitting next to box of cat toys
~sitting next to one of my boxes of toys~

One thing I can say, I don’t lack for toys around here. There’re several baskets and boxes filled with fun things to play with. I usually like toys with feathers…mostly because I like to eat the feathers much to the Lady’s dismay. She says I’m channeling my early days when I probably hunted and caught real birds.

Speaking of hunting, right now my FAVORITE thing to play with is the “Red Dot.” I chase that sneaky thing all around. I haven’t caught it yet…but I know it’s just a matter of time before I do.

Mudpie wants to know if the Lady has introduced me to the Squeeze Ups or Churu treats yet.

Yes she has…and Mudpie, I know you love those treats but me…not so much. I tried one of the Churu ones and kinda licked at it but then walked away. Am I weird for not liking it? I think I need a different flavor…I’m willing to try again.

Lizzie and Three Chatty Cats both asked… “How did you get those adorable spots on your nose?”

close up of black and white cat with black spots on nose
~spots on my nose~

 I really don’t know where they came from…but to quote Lady Gaga…baby, I was born this way!

Thanks for those fun and interesting questions. I’ll be answering more of your questions in the future. If there are any other things you want to ask me, let me know in the comments and I’ll add them to the list.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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