My Life in a Shelter #RememberMeThursday #SeeTheLight

Hi you guys.

As many of you know, I was adopted from a shelter…the same shelter the mom used to volunteer at so she’s very familiar with how it operates. It’s a good shelter as far as shelters go. The people that work and volunteer there really care about the animals, and the adoption rate is really high. But it’s still a shelter.

I ended up there when the people who had me previously moved away and left me behind. How anyone can do something like that is beyond me.

I didn’t like being in the shelter. I was scared…very scared.

black and white cat
~picture of me the Lady took at the shelter~

Let me tell you what it’s like living in a shelter. I lived in a small metal cage about 3 feet by 2 feet where I could only see out the front through metal bars. My cage contained a kind of an elevated bed and a litter box underneath. I had a couple of toys to play with. I rarely got to be out of my cage to stretch my legs or run or jump or anything like that.

My cage was in a big room where the walls were lined with other cages just like mine. Most of these were occupied with other cats. I couldn’t really see the other cats but I could smell them and sometimes I heard a meow or someone scratching in a litter box. There must have been another room nearby that had dogs in it because I could hear them barking all the time.

The room was dark because there weren’t any windows. But there was music playing all the time which was kind of nice.

Every morning, people came in to feed us, give us fresh water, and clean our cages. When it was my turn to be fed, the person would talk to me and pet me very gently. Sometimes they tried to get me to play. The food was okay…it kept my tummy full. The people occasionally came in during other parts of the day and I could hear them talking and they would walk by my cage and sometimes they would stop and say hello. But most of the time I was all alone.

I lived like this for nearly 3 months! Yeah, it was better than living on the streets scrounging for food. But I was beginning to think I was never going to get out of there. And then…that fateful day when the Lady came into the shelter and asked to meet me. I made sure I was on my very best behavior and I sat next to her and let her pet me for a long time. And it must have worked because now I live here! I WAS RESCUED!

close up of black and white cat
~this is the face of a happy rescued cat~

I was one of the lucky ones. I found my forever home. Those days of living in the shelter are just a memory now. But there are so many wonderful animals not as lucky as me. They sit in shelters waiting and waiting for their forever homes…and some sadly never make it out.

That’s why the Helen Woodward Animal Center started Remember Me Thursday®, a world-wide event to remember the shelter and rescue animals and get the entire world talking about the importance of pet adoption.

#RememberMeThursday graphic
~this isn’t me…just a look-alike~

You can be a part of the Remember Me Thursday® Awareness Movement, and spread the word about the importance of pet adoption. Did you adopt a pet from a shelter or rescue? Share their photo and adoption story on Facebook, X, or Instagram. Their story may inspire others to see the light about the importance of pet adoption. Make sure to use the hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #SeeTheLight. 

You can also enter the fun Remember Me Thursday® contest and win one of 3 fabulous prize packages that include cash, food and toys for your favorite shelter or rescue. Details about how to enter can be found on the Remember Me Thursday® contest page.

Let’s get the whole world talking about pet adoption and help others see the light about how important it is. Let’s remember all those animals who are still living in those cages all alone…and let’s honor the lost ones who never made it out. Let’s make pet adoption from a shelter or rescue the FIRST option!


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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