Confession of a Serial Bug Killer

Guys, I have a confession. I’m a serial killer. A serial bug killer. I like to hunt out bugs. I find them in corners and by windows and doors. I play with them…and when I’ve had enough…I end them. I’ve probably killed about 5 or 6 of them this week alone.

tuxedo cat lying down
This is the face of a serial bug killer

I won’t show you any of my victims. Let me tell you…they’re not pretty. Mostly squished. Sometimes I eat them. I know, that sounds yucky but don’t knock it until you try it. Besides, I need to hide any evidence of my crimes.

The Lady told me I should stop or else they may do a Dateline episode about me one day. But I don’t wanna stop. I’m having way too much fun. Though I bet the bugs don’t feel the same. Too bad for them.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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