Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair?

Murphy has started doing this strange behavior…well, strange to me, at least…of licking my hair, particularly in the morning while I’m still in bed sleeping. It got me wondering why a cat would do this. So with the help of my good friend, Google, I searched for a reason why. This is what I found.

  • Affection. Cats will lick to show love and affection and create that bond with other cats, pets and people. It’s similar to how a mother cat will lick her kittens to care for them and show affection.
  • Grooming. The cat might be trying to groom you, just like they do with other cats. This is usually a sign of affection.
  • Territoriality. It could be the cat might be trying to remove your scent and add their own so that you smell more like them. They want you to be part of their group.

sitting tuxedo cat
Don’t let that sweet and innocent look fool you.
This cat can be a trouble-maker in the morning!

  • Playfulness. The cat might be telling you they want to play!
  • Stress or Anxiety. Cats may lick hair to relieve stress or anxiety, similar to how humans have nervous behaviors. Licking could release endorphins that help reduce any anxiety the cat may be feeling.
  • Good Taste. It could be the cat likes the smell or taste of whatever hair products you use.

In Murphy’s case, because he only does it in the morning while I’m still sleeping, my guess is that it’s a combination of affection and him wanting me to get up and feed him. Probably more so that he wants to eat because that boy loves his food!

While this behavior is a little annoying, it really isn’t that big of a deal. Of course, if Murphy’s hair-licking behavior increases or becomes more obsessive, it might warrant a vet appointment. But for right now, I’ll just keep covering my head with my hand when he does it. Or I’ll just get up and feed him, though I don’t want to encourage the licking either. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it eventually. And even if he doesn’t, there are worse things he could be doing.

Do you have a hair-licking cat?


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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