Lickity…Lickity…Blooper! #PetPhotoFails

Hey you guys! Where did this summer go?!? It’s the end of August already!

The Lady told me that the of the month means it’s time for Pet Photo Fails…the blog hop hosted by our friends, Melissa and Mudpie over at Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries & Meows. All you gotta do is post a photo fail of your pet…one of those pictures that just didn’t turn out right and would normally end up in the recycle bin.

This is the first time I’m pawticipating in Pet Photo Fails. Now some of you have said I take pretty good pictures. But I can take some bad ones too. I know…hard to believe, right? Here’re a couple of my bloopers.

The Lady was trying to get a picture of me licking my paw. And of course she failed miserably.

tuxedo cat licking his paw 

First there was this one.

tuxedo cat licking his paw

Then this one.

These photos speak for themselves. Epic fails!

If you wanna see more funny pet photo fails or to join in and share your own fails, visit Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries and Meows by clicking HERE.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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