And I Helped!

Hi you guys! Guess what? I did something new today! I helped make the bed!

Tuxedo cat on couch

Um, Murphy, I wouldn’t call what you did “helping.”

What do you mean, Lady? I was a HUGE help!

Huge help you say? Let’s see. You kept messing up the sheets when I tried to pull them up.

I was smoothing them down for you!

What you were doing was NOT smoothing them down…it was scrunching them up.

I think you’re wrong about that, Lady.

And every time I tried to put the pillows in place, you knocked them down.

But I didn’t like where you put them. How I arranged them was much better.

Murphy, maybe you should leave the bed-making to me.

tuxedo cat on couch

Sheesh…so THIS is the thanks I get for helping. You get the stink eye for that.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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