Things I’m Learning

Hi you guys.

So I’ve been here on the Island for about 5 weeks now. I’m feeling more and more confident and comfortable. And I’m learning new stuff every day. I thought I’d share 5 things that I’m learning since coming to live here.

Tuxedo cat

  • I can’t eat 24/7. I get fed 4 meals a day…breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening snack. And I have to admit, it’s really good food. Much better than the stuff I was eating before. It’s the mushy kind that’s so good that if I had my way, I’d be able to eat all the time. But the Lady won’t let me. Even when I give her that “I’m starving” look. She doesn’t fall for it. Phooey.
  • I like to run. This house has big open spaces and long hallways and I’m learning I can run full steam from one end to the other. I have one speed…FAST! I just hope no one gets in my way.
  • I’m not supposed to scratch the carpet. Guys, I’m learning I like to scratch the carpet. It feels really good to get my claws in it. But I’m also learning that the Lady doesn’t want me scratching. There’re scratchers all around the house for me to use…scratching posts, scratching boxes, scratching mats. But they’re not as fun as scratching the carpet. I’ve been hearing the word NO a lot lately.
  • Outside noises don’t bother me much anymore. When I first came here noises…any noises…would freak me out. Especially outside noises like a car or truck driving by or people in the street talking. They made me run for cover! But now I’m not scared as much when I hear stuff. Except that darn grass eating machine…it’s TOO loud.
  • I’m finding my meow. The first few weeks I was here I rarely made a sound. But I’m learning that meowing helps get me what I want. Especially at mealtime. The Lady takes her sweet ol’ time getting my food in the dish. I mean, if she’s not going to let me eat 24/7, she shouldn’t dawdle when she’s feeding me. Am I right? So I’ve started meowing at her to get her moving a little faster. She says I have a little meow…but I’m working on it and just you wait and see…soon I’ll be ROARING.

Tuxedo cat in cube with feet sticking out

I’m sure there’re still lots more things that I will learn in the days to come. But the BEST thing I’m learning is that I love it here. I’m a happy cat now.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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