The Murph’s Condo Selfie

Hi you guys.

When I came to live here, I pretty much got to use all the cat things that were already here…beds, toys, food dishes, cat trees. Which was okay with me because I didn’t care as long as I had them. But the Lady thought I should have something of my very own. The little cat tree that was in my safe room was pretty torn up so it was time for a new one. So she bought this nice new kitty condo…just for me.

For a day or so I ignored it because…well…I’m a cat and that’s what we do sometimes. But I couldn’t resist it for long, and I found myself jumping on top of it and settling in.

Tuxedo cat sitting on top of small kitty condo

I like to sit here and look out the window. I’ve discovered the birds will come right up outside the window and I’ve been chattering at them. Y’know, they’re really annoying. Good thing there’s a window between us..or I’d be doing a lot more than chattering.

I thought this would be the purrfect place to take my selfie this week. So here you go…

Close up of tuxedo cat on top of kitty condo

Hey, I’m catching on to this selfie thing, don’tcha think?

Sunday Selfie Logo

Check out all the other fun selfies over at The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop by clicking HERE.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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