Making Progress

You guys know that I’ve been learning to become more comfortable living here in my new home. And so far, I’m making good progress. I now can go almost anywhere in the house…with some supervision. And let me tell you…there’re a lot of places to explore!

Tuxedo cat sitting on stairs

My favorite spot to hang out lately has been at the top of the stairs. I have a pretty good view from here and can make a bee-line back to my safe room when I need to.

Close up of tuxedo cat looking up

But I’m still suspicious about something…those big things on the ceiling in some of the rooms that go round and round. I look up at them and I swear they’re coming to get me. The Lady told me they’re ceiling fans that circulate the air and keep us cool. She said they aren’t gonna get me. But I dunno. I’m keeping my eye on them to make sure they stay on the ceiling where they belong.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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