Just Checking In…and Thank You

I just wanted to check in and say thank you to all of you who have reached out to me after the loss of Ernie. Your comments, emails, texts, messages and cards are helping me get through this very sad time. Knowing how much others loved him and enjoyed seeing him warms my heart.

Ernie lying on the bed
Photo taken in November 2020

Losing Ernie has been difficult. I knew he wouldn’t live forever but it wasn’t easy to face that reality. I miss my silly boy…those eyes of his…and those massive paws!

For the first time in 42 years there isn’t a cat in my home. And it’s a feeling that is hard to get used to…and one I don’t particularly like. The house is too quiet now.

I don’t know where this blog will go now. After more than 16 years of blogging…yes, it’s been that long…there are a lot of memories here. Memories of Wally, Zoey and Ernie. And I can’t just let them go. So I need some time to deal with this tremendous loss, and to think about where I go from here.

Thank you again for all your kind words of condolence…and for loving Ernie, too.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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