Some Random Stuff

You guys! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted some random photos…just a little bit of this and that of stuff going on around here. So here you go…

Ernie stretched out in his bed

Relaxing in my heated bed. I like to stretch out in it and take advantage of all its real estate.

Ernie sitting in the sun

Enjoying the sunshine we had the other day. It’s back to the clouds now. Phooey.

Wild turkeys

Wild turkeys

A group of wild turkeys came to visit the other day. There were 6 of them. Interesting looking birds if you ask me. It’s probably okay for them to be out and about since Thanksgiving has come and gone. MOL!

Ernie's tail

The end. Literally! And no…my tail is not really that long. It must be the camera angle or something.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of random photos!


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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