Easy E’s Funny Face Selfie

You guys! Ready for my funny face selfie? Here it is…

Close up of Ernie with his tongue stuck out

I look pretty goofy, don’t I?

Y’know…yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of losing Zoey, and the mom was feeling a bit sad. I know she misses Zoey. So I tried to cheer her up by making this funny face. She likes when I stick my tongue out. It made her smile so I think it worked.

Here’s something we haven’t shared before. About 6 months ago…I think it was to celebrate National Pet Month…the mom got this note and beautiful portrait of Zoey in the mail from Chewy.

Portrait of Zoey

It was just a random thing…they didn’t know Zoey was gone…the mom hasn’t removed her from our account. But it was a nice surprise and a wonderful way to remember her.

I don’t know who the artist is but they sure did a great job capturing Zoey’s beauty, didn’t they?

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I’m pawticipating in The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. To join the Hop or to see other selfies click HERE!


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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