An Interesting Visitor

You guys! Y’know…we see a lot of squirrels around here. Brown ones, gray ones, black ones. Quite the variety. But the other day, I saw one that I hadn’t seen before.

Close up of Ernie
Cute picture of me…just because

You’ve heard of tuxedo cats, right? They’re usually mostly black with a white stomach and paws, making them look like they’re wearing a tuxedo. But have you ever seen a tuxedo squirrel?

Picture of black and white squirrel

Picture of black and white squirrel

This guy (or girl…I can’t tell the difference, can you?) showed up on our deck the other day. Check out the white belly and paws! I’ve never seen a squirrel with coloring like this. Have you?

Quite the interesting visitor!


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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