End of Year Bloopers #PetPhotFails

You guys! I hope you all had a good Christmas. We had a quiet one here…me and the peeps just laid around most of the day. Nothing wrong with that, right?

It’s the end of the month AND the end of the year. Where the heck did this year go?? Did it fly by for you too? Being that it’s the end of the month, it’s time for Pet Photo Fails. And it’s the last Pet Photo Fails of the year, too.

You know how this works. You post a blooper photo of your pet…one of those pictures that just didn’t turn out right and would normally end up in the recycle bin.

I got a couple of fails for you this time…both keeping with the holidays.

bad photo of Ernie under the Christmas tree

Me under the Christmas tree. You gotta look at this one pretty closely to figure out what’s going on with my head.

Ernie pushing NYE hat off of chair

Me checking out my New Year’s party hat. The mom wanted to put it on my head but I wanted to give that thing a push right off the chair. Guess who won.

I hope you liked these holiday bloopers. If you wanna see other funny pet photo fails or to join the hop, visit the hosts of the Bloghop, Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries and Meows, by clicking HERE.


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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