Easy E’s Last Selfie of the Year

You guys! Happy New Year’s Eve! This is it! My last selfie of the year!!

close up of Ernie wearing a party hat

Of course I’m wearing my virtual party hat. Because not only is it New Year’s Eve but it’s also our blogoversary! We started this blog in December of 2007. So lemme see…one, two, three…that means we’ve been blogging for 16 years now! Wow! That’s a long time! Y’know…a lot has changed in all those years…not only in the blogosphere but in the world, too.

But what hasn’t changed is our appreciation for all of you…our readers and friends. Me and the mom are grateful your friendship and support. We ♥ you all!

Okay…enough of all that. Grab your party hats and let’s get ready to ring the New Year in!

Sunday Selfie Logo

I’m pawticipating in The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. To join the Hop or to see other selfies click HERE!


via The Island Cats…Every Cat wants to be an Island Cat!

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