Magnificent Tuxedo Cat Breeds

The number of cat lovers grows every year. People adopt fluffy bewhiskered companions with great pleasure. One of the most popular felines is bicolor cats. The main idea is that the coat of the pet contains only two color patterns. Usually, the coloration includes black and white. But the blend of grey, golden, brown colors is also possible.

Someone can relegate these bicolor feline buddies to the tuxedo cat breed. But this is the most common misconception. Tuxedo cats are not about the breed. This is the unique combination of two different colors. So, any bicolor cat breeds are related to tuxedo-friendly ones.

What is a Tuxedo Cat?

What is a Tuxedo Cat?

The tux cat is the cute feline body with the piebald or bicolor coat. This is not the specific breed. This coloring is notable for the dominating solid black (or another dark and deep color pattern) and light patches (more often they are white or crème). It looks like the cats are wearing little tuxedos.

What breed is my tuxedo cat? Tux ladies and gentlemen can appear in different breeds. Among the most tuxedo-friendly breeds are:

  • Persian piebald cat buddies;
  • Tuxedo Sphynx felines;
  • Himalayan tuxedo cat pets;
  • Siamese tuxedo cat buddies;
  • Maine Coon tux felines;
  • Scottish Fold cats with tuxedo pattern set;
  • Exotic Shorthair tuxedo kittens and adult cats;
  • American Shorthair tuxedo cat pets;
  • British Shorthair tuxedo felines.

Mostly, these are black and white cat breeds. Do not expect that other characteristics will depend on this specific coloration. The fluffiness, size, and behavior of tux felines vary from one breed to another. Nevertheless, there are some peculiarities of bewhiskered boys and girls in tuxedos.

If you are dreaming about the fluffy tuxedo cat or short-haired tux pet companion, take a closer look at the detailed information about bicolored felines you would like to adopt.

Tuxedo Cat Genetics

Pet tuxedo cats are born due to genetically driven processes. The pigment cells form the bicolor coat coloration. In comparison with other specific fur color patterns like calico or tortie felines have, tux is available both for she-cats and he-cats equally. At the same time, tortoiseshell and other above-mentioned colorations can be seen in female bewhiskered pets.

The pigment cells reach different parts of the kitty’s embryo. This way the true tuxedo cat pattern appears. Some experts state that tuxedo is far from rare coloration. It is more difficult to find the bend of tux patterns with other ones. For example, a piebald tabby cat (tabby cats with tuxedo markings) can be found not in each litter.

White Fur Trait

White Fur Trait

White and black cat breeds are not a surprise for feline lovers. But the light pattern has its own traits when it comes to tuxies. For example, the white color cannot be the dominant one on the feline coat.

Most fur of the bewhiskered pets’ entire bodies should be of dark coloration (deep grey, brown, black). White spotting and patches can appear on the following cute tuxedo cats’ parts:

  • Chin (a light-creme or white chin);
  • Chest (a light-cream or white chest);
  • Belly (a white coat on the cats’ belly and profiles);
  • Tail (white markings and light coat patterns on the tail);
  • Paws (small or big white-colored patches next to cats’ aroliums).

Sometimes we can see so-called cow cat pets. This way the big white patches appear on the back and hips as well. But in general, you can recognize a tuxy with its formal suit-like coat color. A cat wearing a tuxedo is about the ideal combination of white and black patterns. These felines look gorgeous, like real ladies and gentlemen.

Tuxedo Cat: Breed Traits

Many fancy cat breeds obtain tuxedo cats. Let’s take a closer look at the main characteristics of the tuxies. Note that some specials vary from breed to breed.

Characteristics Level Rating (0 to 5)
Playfulness High 5/5
Activeness Medium 4/5
Friendliness to pets Varies Depends on the breed
Friendliness to children Varies Depends on the breed
Vocality High 5/5
Affection Medium 4/5
Grooming requirements Varies Depends on the breed
Intelligence High 5/5
Independence High 5/5
Trainability Medium 4/5

Remember that each tuxedo kitten is individual. These are only average characteristics. About 80% of the personality features depend on the breed. Tuxies are just felines with the attractive bicolor coat. Read more about tuxedo-friendly breeds to find out more about tuxedo Bengal, Angora, Siamese, and other cats.

The History of Tuxedo Cats

The History of Tuxedo Cats
First, black and white cats, so-called tuxedo felines, were worshipped by people from ancient Egypt. Egyptians considered tuxies as gods and goddesses.

People from ancient Egypt idolized tuxedo cats and were punished for bad behavior with these animals.

There was a strong belief that tuxies can bring happiness, health, and other gods’ blessings. These beautiful felines are noticed on the walls of the pyramids in ancient Egypt. You can observe tuxedo cats depicted in Egyptian tombs as well.

Additionally, bi-color cats appeared in silent films in the 1920s. The renowned character – a tuxedo he-cat Felix is only one of the famous pets presented in the old black & white movies.

And now, thousands of families have tuxies at their homes. These pets have an eye-catching appearance. And the focused attention is paid to the exceptional tuxedo cats’ intelligence.



The breathtaking appearance of tuxedo cat breeds is the fact. They are very pretty, both feline boys and girls. You can see the cat with the bowtie, a mask and mantle, or a funny mustache of white color on the dark-colored face. Both male and female tuxedo cats have silky solid black fur with light markings on their paws, chins, chests, belly, and tail.

It is worth noting that different color mixes are possible when it comes to the tuxy blend with tabbies, tortoiseshell, and other colorations. The color of the eyes and the length of the tuxedo cats’ hair mostly depends on the breed.

For example, Sphynx felines will have one appearance – a bold entire body with light markings. At the same time, tuxedo Persian cats, Maine Coons, and Siberian tux-friendly bewhiskered pets will have long black hair and white spotting. How big do tuxedo cats get? They may weigh anything from 6 to 16 pounds, depending on the breed.

Tuxedo Cats’ Personality

Most tuxedo cats are very friendly and easy-going. They are totally intelligent and vocal. At the same time, these felines are usually very independent domestic cat pets. Remember that the personality of your tuxedo buddy depends on the breed you are going to adopt. It is difficult to predict the behavior of your household pets according to their coloration only.

Tuxedo Cat Care

All the female and male cats of any breed and coloring type require care, love, and attention. Some felines need regular grooming and delicate feeding with the proper diets. Take a closer look at the peculiarities of the particular breed you are adopting. Your cat in a tuxedo can be a long-haired buddy or the one with the short cat’s coat.

Nevertheless, there is a range of standard care tips for feline lovers. If you are a responsible cat owner, take a closer look at several recommendations from the reputable Cat Fanciers Association (CFA):

  • Put all the cleaning agents away so as not to poison your pet.
  • Do not give chocolate to your kitties – it is poisonous!
  • Visit the vet once a quarter, do not miss any vaccinations.
  • Feed your feline according to a healthy schedule.
  • Follow all the grooming requirements to avoid problems with the fur.
  • Clean the litter box regularly to support a hygiene-friendly environment.

Consult with your veterinarian about other tips individually for your tuxedo cat. Especially if your kitty has some problems with health or conflicts with other household pets. Note that older cats with tuxedo coloration might require some special regimen plan.

Types of Tuxedo Cats

Types of Tuxedo Cats

All the black and white, white and gray tuxedo cats and tuxies with other color patterns can be formally divided into 5 groups according to their coloration specials. It means that all the tuxedo-friendly breeds can perform in one of these categories. Including Tuxedo Bobtail cat pets, Turkish Angora, and British Blue tuxes, etc.

Van-Pattern Tuxedo

These are felines of exceptional coloration. The white color is dominant on the cat’s coat. Black spotting is seen on the tail and the head cap. These tuxedo cat species are rather rare in comparison with other ones.

Cap and Saddle Tuxedo

These kitties have more dark fur on their bodies. Usually, black or gray coloration touches the feline’s ears, rump, tail, and back. These are white cats with large black spots on the entire body.

Mask and Mantle Tuxedo

The awesome coloration makes the tuxies’ owners proud of their special pets. They are similar to the animals in the white mask and mantle while the other body parts stay black. Not only cat lovers mention this interesting blend of white and black patterns on the luxurious coat.

Harlequin or Magpie Tuxedo

These tuxedo kitties are also called magpie cats. All the patches on the feline body are random. Some males and females have catchy bow ties on their necks. Also, there are cow-like spots that make the appearance rather funny.

Tuxedo and Tabby Pattern Combination

A tuxedo tabby cat usually obtains an M-shaped marking on the forehead. Additionally, there are narrow stripes on the feline’s back and tail. The striped tuxedo cat is also notable for the light tabby-like lines next to the eyes and on the cheeks.

Tuxedo Cat Breeds

There are many tuxedo cat breeds to take into account. Let’s take a closer look at the most tuxie-friendly ones. Among them are the Persian cat breed, Norwegian Forest cat tuxedo pets, Turkish Angora felines, Maine Coon kitties, Scottish Fold pet companions, and British Shorthair fluffy buddies with tuxedo markings.

Maine Coons

Maine Coons

A gorgeous long-haired tuxedo feline with massive paws and a friendly personality. Each tuxie Maine Coon is an extremely intelligent pet. In comparison with other breeds, these tuxedo kittens require an obligatory grooming routine.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

Awesome pet companions with fluffy and silky fur that contain well-visible tuxedo markings. Together with several breeds that are friendly to tuxie coloration, Norwegian Forest felines are notable for their deep green eyes and calm character.

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora

One of the oldest breeds of the perfect tuxedo domestic cat with Turkish origin. The tuxie color pattern makes their appearance even more expressive. This is the perfect breed of gorgeous black cat pets with green eyes.

Persian Cat

Persian Cat

Black and white patterns are seen very often when it comes to the Persian cat breed. These felines are very popular in Asia. The notable feature is the Persian’s big round eyes that are not only of green color. If you are dreaming about the tuxedo cat with blue eyes, take a closer look at this breed.

Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold

A brilliant tuxedo-friendly breed with black and white color patterns. Scottish Fold felines have folded ears and beautiful pistachio eyes. If you are dreaming about an extremely affectionate long-haired tuxedo cat, adopt these pretty bewhiskered males and females.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair

One of the most attractive cat breeds with tuxedo markings. As the American shorthair, these felines look differently with the black and white coloration. British Shorthair pets with the tuxedo pattern are very friendly but independent and vocal at once.

Facts About Tuxedo Cats

Facts About Tuxedo Cats

Tuxedo cats are very interesting felines. They are playful, friendly, and well-trained. Here are some exciting facts about tuxedo cats you should know:

  • They are highly intelligent.
  • Tuxedo cats often become heroes of cartoons and movies.
  • Most felines have green eyes.
  • There are 50 to 50 chances to appear the female or male tuxedo cat in the litter.
  • All the felines are very sociable but independent.
  • They have enough energy to play for a long time.

Famous Real Tuxedo Cats

Famous Real Tuxedo Cats

These are the most famous tuxedo cats in real life to take into consideration:

  • One tuxedo feline was adopted by Clinton’s family and lived in the White House.
  • Sparky was the beloved pet whose owner inherited millions of dollars.
  • Stan was the one who ran the major in Canada. It took place in 2012.
  • Simon is a famous tuxedo cat who was one of the sailors in the British Royal Army.
  • Roderick together with his owner reached Everest.

Famous Fictitious Tuxedo Cats

Famous Fictitious Tuxedo Cats

Among curious facts about tuxedo cats are true stories about fictitious tuxie felines who are well-known around the world from Looney Tunes cartoons, films, and fairy-tales:

  • The Cat in the Hat was a tuxedo buddy.
  • Sylvester is the tuxie character of the Looney Tunes cartoon.
  • Tom from the popular cartoon series Tom & Jerry is the children’s minion.
  • Figaro is one of the fictitious tuxedo cats who appeared in the Pinocchio film.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Tuxedo Cat

Although mixed-breed tuxedo cats are rather popular and may be found in adoption shelters, pure breeds with the black-and-white pattern must be obtained through breeders. For reliable breeders in the United States, check the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA) breed directory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Tuxedo Cat a Rare Breed?

It should be noticed that tuxedo felines are not the official breed. This is the coloration that can be seen in different breeds at once. You can adopt a tuxedo Angora cat, a Bobtail tuxedo cat, a purebred tuxedo cat, or Siamese, Bombay, and any other tuxie-friendly breeds.

Do Tuxedo Cats Get Big?

First, you should ask yourself: “What breed is my cat?”. Everything depends on the average size of your breed. For example, Oriental tuxedo cat pets are not very big. At the same time, Persian, Main Coon, and Short American buddies are rather large-size ones.

Are Tuxedo Cats Hypoallergenic?

It also depends on the breed of your kitty. A Siamese, Sphynx, or Burmese tuxedo cat will be almost hypoallergenic because these breeds contain fewer allergens on the fur and saliva.

Do Tuxedo Cats Get Along with Children and Other Animals?

Many cats of the tuxedo markings are friendly but independent pets. If you are adopting some stubborn and freedom-loving tuxie breed, be ready that some conflicts between your feline and children or other domestic animals can occur.

What Are Common Health Problems?

Tuxedo cats come in a variety of breeds, some of which are more susceptible to specific illnesses and disorders. Here is the list of the most common health problems.

  • Cancer is more prevalent in elderly cats. Be on the lookout for any lumps or strange skin changes. Lymphoma is a kind of cancer that is frequent in cats.
  • Diabetes is more frequent in fat, male, and elderly cats.
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus: Spreads from cat to cat when they fight and receive deep bites. The easiest way to avoid territorial battles is to keep your cat indoors.
  • Feline Leukemia Virus: This virus weakens the immune system, making cats more likely to develop blood cancer. A vaccination is available to lower the risk.

Are Tuxedo Cats Always Males?

Tuxedo cats can be either male or female, despite their look in conventional male formal clothing.

How much Does a Tuxedo Cat Cost?

A premium purebred tuxedo can cost between $500 and $2,000. However, you may save money by rescuing one from a local shelter.

Are Tuxedo Cats Aggressive?

The upbringing and breed of a cat are far more likely to affect its personality than its coat pattern. However, some people believe that tuxedo cats may be more violent than ordinary cats when handled or taken to the vet.

Final Word

Tuxedo cats are well-known felines who were adopted by famous personalities like the American President’s family in the White House and William Shakespeare. They are very friendly and obtain an eye-catching appearance. Both male and female cats with tuxedo markings are met in different breeds.

Some of the felines have interesting color patterns like a white mask or patches in the form of hearts on the back. If you would like a beautiful and energetic domestic cat, tuxedo pet companions can become your faithful friends for sure.

The post Magnificent Tuxedo Cat Breeds appeared first on CatsPurfection.

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